[Flutter] #1 flutter layout



  • widget is base fact in flutter. We can build layout by using widgets.
  • we can see the description of widget in source framework.dart.

Widgets are the central class hierarchy in the Flutter framework. A widget is an immutable description of part of a user interface. Widgets can be inflated into elements, which manage the underlying render tree.

  • We can't build a widget in widget. ?_?....

Column, Row

  • I think Column and Row are same thing LinearLayout in android. Vertical is Column, Horizon is Row.
  • Column have some mandatory attributes mainAxisAlignment, mainAxisSize, crossAxisAlignment,verticalDirection its must not be null.
  • mainAxisAlignment has default value as MainAxisAlignment.start. other values we can choice are [center, end, spaceAround, spaceBetween, spaceEvenly]


  • mainAxisSize has only min, max. why..? idk
  • crossAxisAlignment is oposite alignment. It means, in Column it is horizontal alignment, in Row, vertical alignment.
  • verticalDirection has only values up and down. It works like order by in sql. asc equal down, desc equal up.
  • Row has same attributes as Column. Both class extend Felx class.


  • Container works like div in html. make a box and put some attributes in it.


  • style TextStyle is the core function, imo. Everytime we only change value of style. in flutter, we can do that by TextStyle


  • We can choose colors by using Colors. Something is special in flutter for me, The Colors has array value like Colors.red[500]. 500 means bright. you can find the explanation about the value in code.
  static const MaterialColor red = MaterialColor(
    <int, Color>{
       50: Color(0xFFFFEBEE),
      100: Color(0xFFFFCDD2),
      200: Color(0xFFEF9A9A),
      300: Color(0xFFE57373),
      400: Color(0xFFEF5350),
      500: Color(_redPrimaryValue),
      600: Color(0xFFE53935),
      700: Color(0xFFD32F2F),
      800: Color(0xFFC62828),
      900: Color(0xFFB71C1C),


  • It is the best simple way to display Icons in flutter. You just write code icons.{some icon} where you want to display.
  • there are many sample icons in flutters.



  • FontWeigt is an attribute in TextStyle. It has same way like Color, it means it has array value, actually not array, attributes set. see follow code.
class FontWeight {
  const FontWeight._(this.index);

  /// The encoded integer value of this font weight.
  final int index;

  /// Thin, the least thick
  static const FontWeight w100 = FontWeight._(0);

  /// Extra-light
  static const FontWeight w200 = FontWeight._(1);

  /// Light
  static const FontWeight w300 = FontWeight._(2);

  /// Normal / regular / plain
  static const FontWeight w400 = FontWeight._(3);

  /// Medium
  static const FontWeight w500 = FontWeight._(4);

  /// Semi-bold
  static const FontWeight w600 = FontWeight._(5);

  /// Bold
  static const FontWeight w700 = FontWeight._(6);

  /// Extra-bold
  static const FontWeight w800 = FontWeight._(7);

  /// Black, the most thick
  static const FontWeight w900 = FontWeight._(8);

  /// The default font weight.
  static const FontWeight normal = w400;

  /// A commonly used font weight that is heavier than normal.
  static const FontWeight bold = w700;

  /// A list of all the font weights.
  static const List<FontWeight> values = <FontWeight>[
    w100, w200, w300, w400, w500, w600, w700, w800, w900


  • softWrap is an attribute in Text class. It has bool type value, if it is false, the text will be postioned one line with no limit. Maybe default value is true.


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